
Gobies Rollmops

The *Elbe* Knows Everything By Anastasia Eggers hamburg

For approx. 1 kg of gobies, volume might vary depending in the size

First step

1 l of 10% vinegar
300 ml water
250 g salt

Bring the components for the first step to a boil and let it cool down. Place the filets in the brine for approximately 20 hours. Rinse well before the next step.

Second step

200 ml of 10% vinegar
800 ml water
210 g sugar
Spices (mustard seeds, bay leaves, allspice berries or juniper)
Pickles (anything from onions, gherkins, capers to elderflower capers)

Bring the components for the second step to a boil and let it cool down. Roll the filets with pickles and secure them with toothpicks. Let them ripen in a sealed jar for 2 days.